Monday, August 4, 2014

strike a pose

I said I'd never do it again...too much stress, too much time, too much baby poop everywhere...but we did it anyways. Newborn pictures. It was messy and chaotic and loud. Harriet toppled off the chair that the photographer warned her to get off of. Andrew had to drive the boys around in the car for twenty minutes half-way through the shoot to get them to stop screaming. We got a fair amount of poop on the beautiful quilt my mother-in-law made. We shoveled endless amounts of candy into Harriet's mouth in an attempt to get her to smile. Andrew's hair was like something out of The Lion King...or Cats. Harriet got a red stain right on the front of her dress. Andrew and I had a huge fight about something ridiculous on the way home...

Oh, and I looked like crap. Please avoid commenting something nice about how I look because I'll know you're full of it. I was super, super pale with anemia. None of my clothes fit. My hair was incredibly flat. And I was wearing something that looks more like pajamas than my pajamas do. My mom told me to wear tons of makeup because I was so pasty, so I slapped coat after coat of foundation, blush, eye shadow and mascara on my face...and it looks like I'm wearing no makeup at all. Right now, my inlaws have one of these pictures of our whole family up in their house and I'm pretty sure they're doing it as payback for something I did because there's no way they like looking at that picture every day!

Anyways, they're called "newborn pictures," not "new mama pictures," so I'm going to move on and let it go.

Check out my darlings...

I have to give major props to the photographer. She handled this ridiculous scene with such grace and patience…even though she had a broken leg and had to scoot around on a stool during the shoot. 

I’ll soon be posting more recent pictures of the boys, plus words of some sort. I have several posts started in my head, on my phone, and in random Word documents. I have so much to write about, but as usual, so little time to actually write it. Missing this space and missing my blogging friends.


  1. I love them! I remember feeling this way about my son's newborn pictures as the truth is no mama looks amazing just after giving birth. In time I think you come to love the joy and emotion in the picture and will be so, so glad you have them.

  2. Stop... this is the CUTEST thing I've ever seen! Seriously, I'm overwhelmed by your adorable little family! I do think the behind the scenes stories are HILARIOUS though. I would never in my wildest dreams imagine that newborn shoots are so chaotic... they always look so serene and peaceful and beautiful... just angelic. But I had another mom tell me the same thing yesterday... poop everywhere. I think photographers should give the bloopers too so you can remember the good times!

  3. Wow. Amazing. Just amazing. I don't know what you had to do to get those but it was totally worth it. So incredible.

  4. oh i just love them!!!!!!! those boys are the sweetest. you make beautiful babies mama. Harriet gets me every time!

  5. Oh. My. Gosh. DYING. This was worth every single hassle!!! The boys!! Harriet in that ruffly dress and pearls!??!?!?!?!?!! FABULOUS.

  6. Too cute!! I love the ones with Harriet and the lip gloss, how girly. And of course the twins are just so adorable and squishy. Side story - D ended up pooping in a naked shot of his and somehow I ended up with it on my shirt, and yes you can see it in some pictures. Sigh...oh well. It's stressful, most mom's don't feel their best after just giving birth, but I think they are so special to look back on over the years. So glad to get an update from you!

  7. Well, I would say the poop, the candy shoving, the absolute chaos of it all was 1000% worth it for some of the absolutely precious pictures you got. And the story of it all just makes it more memorable and perfect in my opinion. In time I don't think you'll ever care how you look in these pictures (and seriously, the only thing that I see in your pictures is how completely HAPPY and in love you are), you'll just be happy you have them.

  8. Your babies are gorgeous!!! These are totally worth the hard work it took getting them!

  9. Omigosh...your babies (all three of them) are absolutely adorable. I love your family pics too...cause what you HAPPY!!! Love. Love. Love. So good to hear from you! xoxo

  10. Beautiful! I love the ones of Harriet in the middle of the two boys. Someone once shared with my the mystery behind tiny babies holding their heads up in these pictures... and now I know there's lots of POOP! You had me laughing with all the behind-the-scenes craziness behind these adorable photos of a ridiculously happy family, even if there was a sugar crash and a fight in the car on the way home. Thank you for sharing, I love, love, love the pictures. And the story. And hearing from you!

  11. Oh, the kids are adorable!! And you can totally call bullshit on me, but that look in your eyes when you're holding your kids makes you utterly gorgeous. Don't care about the hair, the makeup or the clothes.

    Glad to see everyone is well an that the boys are doing so well. Am thinking of you and can't wait for future posts.

  12. Oh my goodness, the ones of you and Harriet adorable!!

  13. I think the computer just ate my comment. What I was saying was that I never did newborn photos with E., because I thought they were a waste of money and newborns look like aliens anyway, but it is now my biggest regret from his first months. So I am very glad you did these. I'm sure in years to come you will treasure them (and even treasure the memories of the chaos that hides behind these serene images). I love the one of Harriet first kissing the boys, and the one of you and Harriet together.

    So glad to hear from you. Looking forward to more when you have the time (haha).

  14. Oh my goodness, these are great! So cute!!

  15. Oh my - so great hearing from you!! THESE ARE WAY TOO CUTE! seriously, PRECIOUS!

  16. Gorgeous pics of a beautiful family! It's funny -- I was just thinking of you and wondering how you're doing when this blog post popped up in my inbox. Hope you're well!

  17. These are beautiful photos! You all are just oozing cuteness. Love it!

  18. Ha ha! Ok yes you look pale and Andrew has some righteous hair. But seriously you guys are the cutest family ever. :)

  19. Um. Your family is BEAUTIFUL!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. You have such a sweet family. Harriet is really really adorable and I love her dress!

  22. I absolutely LOVE the pictures! What I love the most is how REAL you are. The pictures are stunning and so are you. Maybe not in the way that you would like to be, but you are stunning all the same. I enjoy your story about Andrew's hair, the poop, the red stain, your make up and your pj look alike clothing. You have such a beautiful family.

  23. Oh, those are SO cute. These photos are great and the twins are just the cutest.

  24. Oh, look at Harriet and her box of babies! What fun!!!!

    I love these!

  25. Stop it with the cuteness! All three of your kids are adorable! Even though there was tons of chaos, the hair wasn't working, your non-pajama clothes look like pajamas (in your eyes), the poop...these are the moments that last a lifetime. What a beautiful family you have :)

  26. Adorable! You all have a wonderful smiles and will be so glad you took these pictures. So precious!

  27. Oh my gosh - you will NEVER regret the insanity of getting those pictures taken. They are fantastic!!!

  28. Oh my goodness! Darlings, indeed! Thank you for sharing the chaos behind the beauty. Isn't that just life? :)

  29. I love this post! And your honesty. I think that most of our photo shoots (even those without a newborn) have involved some type of marital fight. :) Hugs!

  30. These are beautiful. You struggle behind the scenes is noted however, they are beautiful. Simply beautiful. I think you have to give yourself credit for having twins and being a momma to three little people. That is life. Things change and you adapt.

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