Sunday, March 9, 2014

a little update

Yesterday marked 32 weeks! It's hard to believe that just six weeks from now, we will be making last minute preparations for the babies...if they don't come before then, of course. We had a growth ultrasound this past Monday and everything looked great. The babies are four pounds each, placing them in the 63rd percentile (for a singleton at this gestation). They did all of the little "tricks" the tech wanted them to do - practice breathing, big movement, little movement, etc.

The only bummer is that Baby A (the one who's lowest in my abdomen and will be born first if it's a vaginal birth) is breech. I've really been hoping to avoid a c-section but each day that goes by without that baby flipping makes it less and less likely that my wish for a vaginal birth will come true. Since my last post about birthing twins, I have been doing lots of research. Many of you have been excellent resources for me, and I've also found quite a few knowledgeable women on Facebook who have shared from their wisdom and experience. Thanks to all of you for your help! I'm trying not to feel like it was all wasted energy if I just end up having to have a c-section. Plus, there is still some time for the baby to turn. Come on baby!!

This pregnancy has been so much fun. The babies have been very active, and it's a thrill every single time they move. It's also been fun to plan for the twins - from names to the nursery - we've really been enjoying this adventure and are starting to get so excited for the real adventure to begin when we welcome these children into the world. Although I have to say that I feel so very unprepared...especially if they're boys. We have about five articles of clothing that they'll have to share between them. We have no bedding. We have maybe two bottles. We do have our carseats, a double stroller, and a twin nursing pillow (a gift from a college friend and twin mom). Point is - we have some shopping and setting up to do. Plus, I have three or four books that I want to read before they get here - books about nursing twins, getting twins to sleep, etc. It's highly unlikely that I'll actually finish these books, but I'm going to try.

As fun as all of this is, I have to be honest. These babies are taking quite a toll on me physically. I got plantar fasciitis in my foot a couple weeks ago. It was so painful to walk, but I'm learning that wearing tennis shoes around the house makes a world of difference. I recently developed carpal tunnel in my arm, so it's often painful and tingly. I have a mystery muscle problem in my upper abdomen. It feels like a pulled muscle but worse. I'm still dealing with restless leg syndrome at night, although not every night, so that's a big improvement. My head cold came back for the third time, so I'm coughing a lot, my voice comes and goes, and I can't breathe through my nose. Carrying around fifty extra pounds makes everything more difficult and exhausting.  And speaking of exhaustion, my longest chunk of sleep in the past two weeks was two and a half hours. Then there's back pain, that random sick-to-my-stomach feeling, and the overall swelling...not to mention the stuff...that I don't really want to mention. When I read through all of this, I have to laugh! Every week it's something new, but as the next discomfort arises, an existing one often goes away...or at least I get used to it. 

Harriet is getting pretty excited for her little siblings to arrive. The other day in the car, she said, "Mom, I need some babies so I can be a big sister!" She often hugs and kisses my belly and says, "I love my babies." Yesterday, she decided that the babies needed a little extra pizzazz. I'll leave you with some pictures of her artwork. 


  1. You look so beautiful. Let us know if we can help with something. We're praying for you, those babies, and all the transitions to come. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Emie! I still love the fact that Harriet was with your family while I was going through the procedure that resulted in these babies. Love you guys.

  2. Awh Em, you look absolutely fantastic. What fun pictures!

    I REALLY hope Baby A decides to flip for you. C'mon little man. Lots of prayers that s/he decides to go head down. :)

    Also, we have TONS of really nice boy clothes that were gifted to us when Harvey was born - if you end up with a boy or two in the house, seriously shoot me an email ASAP and I'll get them in the mail to you the next day!

    I can't believe you're 32 weeks already and the babies are so big and healthy already. That's wonderful news!

  3. You look SO BEAUTIFUL Em! The belly art really adds a nice touch though! : ) I can't believe you're already 32 weeks... it's flying by! So happy for you, my friend!

  4. Em! You look absolutely beautiful and I love how proud Harriet looks of her artwork :) It seems hard to believe you are at 32 weeks, but the time is really going to fly now! I pray that baby A flips for you and you are able to have the delivery you hope for! Keep in touch and know that we are all praying for you. Love you!!

  5. thanks for the update :) you are looking awesome and doing such a great job, especially putting up with all the added extra aches and pains. we will pray [specifically] for babe to flip!! let us know if we can help in any way, and we have TONS of boy clothes, all of which are the right season since they are march babies! seriously, don't hesitate to ask! <3

  6. Love the update! I think of you often and I can't believe the babies will be here so soon! You look beautiful and so happy. This…makes me happy. :) Much love.

  7. You look so happy, and Harriet is such a cutie!!

  8. Love it!!! Your daughter is adorable! You and I are so close in our due dates! I'm 31 weeks today (with a singleton though). Thanks for the update :)

  9. Harriet is adorable, your stomach is amazing, and you look so happy despite the changing daily discomforts! Such exciting times for your family. I'll keep my fingers crossed that baby A flips!

  10. You look wonderful- so happy and glowing. And isn't Harriet a darling to decorate for the babies! I will keep everything crossed that baby A cooperates and flips. SO nice to hear from you!

  11. You look fabulous!!! So excited that you're at 32wks, that's amazing and Harriet is too cute! That is adorable she's so excited about her siblings. So sorry for all the discomforts, pregnancy really is such a test of endurance at times. Sending lots of love and thoughts your way!

  12. Hahahaa you are the best mom ever-- she must have just LOVED coloring all over you like that!!! You look beautiful and I'm so glad the babies are doing well! I'm not sure if you read Amanda Joiner's blog (, but she's a good friend of mine who has twins almost a year old. She's exclusively breastfed both of them for the entire year AND she works full time, so...basically she's a rockstar. :) Just wanted to throw her blog out there in case you want more info or someone to chat with about breastfeeding twins!!

  13. Ahhhhh!!! I love it!! Harriet's mural is perfect ;)

  14. You look so beautiful! And I LOVE the artwork that Harriet did -- what a great idea. She looks so happy and excited. I love that she calls them "her babies!" I hope that your baby turns, but if not, I hope that you have a safe and healthy delivery. It will be an amazing day no matter how they arrive! Have fun preparing in these last weeks...I can't believe you're almost to the end of this amazing pregnancy. Thinking of you!

  15. Wow, you look gorgeous, truly gorgeous!!! Your bump is just perfect... especially with H's artwork of course! ;) What a fun idea!! And she is looking beautiful and so grown up too. I can't believe how soon those babies will be here. So exciting!! I can't wait to hear if it has been boys or girls hiding away in there. Hoping baby A flips soon so things can go as you hope they will, but no matter what, I hope it is a good experience and your babies arrive safely. I will be thinking of you!! :)

  16. Wow you are looking great! I can't believe you are already 32 weeks along! I hope baby A does a little flip around so you can birth your babies the way you want! Good luck with everything and thanks for the update!

  17. Your belly is fabulously decorated! Hoping the babies cooperate and your birth goes the way you want :)

  18. What a beautiful update! You look so wonderful!!! 32 weeks ... time is flying! :) Praying for you!

  19. 32 weeks... How did THAT happen?!

    What a special project you two girls did... I just love it! That is going to be a great memory for Harriet!

  20. I just read this & your previous post & wanted to give you a POV from someone who has delivered 2 sets of twins vaginally, one with an epidural & one without. the first set was without & was pretty nightmarish. baby B flipped to breech once A was out & the doctor tried MIGHTILY to flip him, in up to his elbows, me thrashing & screaming on the table. I either had to endure it or they could knock me totally out. I endured it & baby B was born breech, but it sucked! My second set this past May I was adamant I get the epidural before any pain really even started b/c of my history of fast labors. I got the epi about 9:45 & seriously had the most delightful morning ever, laughing & talking. the delivery did not hurt a lick & baby B flipped AGAIN so they had to do all that maneuvering again & ultimately delivered her breech as well but I am telling you, NO pain. by the time I was in postpartum the numbness had worn off & I was totally fine. my experiences were NIGHT & DAY with & without the epi!!!!!

  21. Love the artwork, such a proud big sister already! Keeping fingers crossed the one baby turns. I'm 4 weeks from my due date so it's getting close for us both :)

  22. Ha ha! I still love these pictures! And you are looking gorgeous as usual. Your tummy is so perky! I can't believe they are going to be coming soon!

  23. Em, you look absolutely fantastic! Wow. Your stomach is gorgeous, especially with Harriet's art work. I am so excited for you to meet your babies and am hoping baby A turns so you can have the delivery you want. You've been on my mind. Hope things are still going well. The end of a twin pregnancy is really hard, but you will make it! Hang in there!

  24. Oh my goodness! You are so beautiful! Can't wait for the update on these precious little ones! :)


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