Monday, February 9, 2015

blogger in training

I started journaling in 6th grade. I received a journal for Christmas, and in true perfectionist fashion, I started on January 1st and forced myself to write every single day no matter what for two years straight. After that, I came to my senses a bit and realized that this:

does not count as a journal entry (let alone two!), even when you have absolutely nothing to write about. I also realized that I needed to give myself grace and let my journal become a friend rather than a task master. So although I wrote less and less, I kept writing. Over the past eighteen years or so, I've filled all of these journals.

Well, in reality, I filled all of those journals but one in ten years and have taken eight years to fill the last one. Yes, eight years. Clearly life has sped up, leaving little room for written reflection.

The other day, Harriet brought out one of my journals and said, "Mom, did you write this book?"

I have to admit that I felt a bit proud, saying, "Yes...I actually did."

I started paging through it. I knew it would be cringe-worthy but I didn't realize it would be this cringe-worthy. I knew I had to share some of these entries with you. Let me warn you. They're bad. (If you can't read them, say so in the comments and I'll add translations.)

I definitely remember wearing my mom's clothes, but I'm pretty sure she steered clear of my Limited Too and Northern Getaway stuff.

Yep...very weird...and I still do that chips thing sometimes.

Clearly I was bitter about my bad haircut.

Yep, I've seen so many people write in that square-ish handwriting.
Update: Echo never learned to talk. Also, she's dead.

A hug that lasts a lifetime? thanks.

What the heck am I even talking about? Sounds like I have been spending way too much time looking in the mirror and way too little time working on my spelling.
Clearly pre-Google.

Good story.

Hate to break it to you, 12-year-old self, don't become a brain surgeon. 

Another potential explanation for the bitter, anti-Valentine's Day rant above.

Boys, makeup, trends...who needs it!?!?

Yes, I still feel this way about Titanic. And yes, it was awkward to see it with my dad.

Wanted: Overconfident girl for lead role in famous Broadway musical. No singing talent necessary. Church drama team experience preferred. 

Clearly...excellent taste. 

I'm about to have a spaghetti pill and then take a nap on straight-up air.

Totally fell for it.

Easily the most embarrassing one so far.

Spoke too soon. This is more embarrassing.'s a tie.

Update: a day of not crossing my legs did not prevent varicose veins. Shocking.


  1. This. is. fabulous. Oh my gosh, I died laughing! I love your Valentine's Day post... solidarity sister, I think we all thought that. I love that you were talking to someone..."I'm going to be a teen. What do you think about that? Clearly you were born to blog. More importantly, I'm SO EXCITED for Harriet to grow up and learn to write. I hope you invade her privacy every day. I have a feeling it will be epic!

  2. Haaaaaaaaaa oh my gosh, this is so amazing. You are so brave. And American. And a girl. I respect you.

  3. Laughing with you on all of these, Em. Isn't it amazing to go through all of these and remember writing this but at the same time thinking "WTF?" The joys of growing up and coming into our own.

  4. I had tears in my eyes reading this- not necessarily because of the journal entries but your comments under each one are hilarious! I swear I have one just like this from when I was little- I kind of want to go dig it out now and read it! Thanks for sharing- you clearly had a knack for this starting young!!! :)

  5. LOLOLOL.... oh my gosh, I have some of the EXACT SAME ENTRIES in my journals, I swear. I reread the one about the first time I shaved my legs (in SECRET from my Mom) and it is mortifying. This is inspiring me to dig those old journals out there. LOL. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh how I wish I would have done this!! It's too funny to go back and see what you wrote and what your thoughts were at the time. lol But I do love that you waned 2 or 3 kids and you have that now :)

  7. hahaha I loved reading this so much!!!! Thanks for sharing!! So many of them reminded me of my own old diary posts.. except I was more "I love _______ sooo much and I will marry him someday!" when it came to the boys' part of it!! ;) And the leg shaving one cracked me up. I love that your mum did one leg for you! What a great mama! Like Josey, I shaved mine in secret from my mum the first time. Naughty girls! These made my night!!

  8. ugh noo I think it just ate my comment. I quit

  9. Oh my gosh, I'm dying! This is hilarious! Your comments under each one? I can't even handle those.

  10. Oh my gosh, I'm dying! This is hilarious! Your comments under each one? I can't even handle those.

  11. This is amazing, but I have a feeling you are holding out on us, keeping the most embarrassing to yourself. What I would have written at those ages would have been SO much more mortifying.

  12. Haha...reminds me of my journal. I kept it from 9th grade (when we were required to keep a journal for my English class) to early college. The things I wrote about are definitely cringe-worthy! I'm pretty sure I still have it. I used a 3-ring binder and just kept adding loose leaf paper. I know some entries should probably stay hidden as they are worthy of a sequel to "Spring Awakening." lol

  13. This is so fun. I've written things like that and I always wonder what was going through my mind. Thanks for sharing.

  14. This is great! It makes me think on the times I've gone back through some of my journals, not nearly as many as you though. I wonder if my earlier year journals are still in the US at my dad's though....I'll have to check some year. Thanks for the reminiscing.

  15. Em, this is hilarious. So glad you were a blogger in training all those years!
    Take care,
    : )

  16. I'm so glad that you are still writing!

  17. Wow, I can totally relate to these early writings. I know I have some embarrassing journal entries -- plus I spelled diary wrong in just about every entry. Good grief. :)

  18. Holy cow I am totally cracking up reading all of your journal entries! Those are great! I had similar handwriting as you growing up and wrote really similar stuff in my journals. :) I loved your commentary "now" on them as well. Awesome. This makes me want to go through my old journals. I totally remembering hearing the thing about crossing your legs and spider veins...I still think about it when I cross my legs...and of course totally have spider veins :-p

  19.! These were absolutely great! I used to journal some when I was younger but I never kept them. After reading your post, I totally wish I had :/

  20. I am so impressed at your journal entry skills! These were amazing haha!

  21. Ohmigosh. Your updates have me in stitches! Plus, I adore August 4 girl. I think I have a similar entry somewhere.

    I didn't start journaling until high school. My husband calls me a "documentarian" because every night since then, I've documented the day. In you I've found a kindred spirit!

  22. Holy wow on the journaling! You're very brave to share. I bet you had a good laugh reading these. I should dig up my diary from middle school. How old am I that we called it a diary waaay back when. You've inspired me to go find it somewhere in the attic!

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