Sunday, February 22, 2015

the parenting myth i've finally stopped falling for

I wasn't going to include this article here on my own blog because I want to try to keep my own personal blog and my "blogging job" separate, but this piece seems to really be striking a chord with people and providing encouragement, so I decided I'd share it with you too. 

The other day on Facebook, a post popped up in my newsfeed from another mom who was seeking advice. She said that her six-month-old baby will only finish his bottle if she sings to him while he drinks it. That made me smile. It seemed like a lovely, harmless little way for that bright boy to get his needs met. He wants his mama to sing to him, and since he can't ask her with words, he's come up with a creative and effective way to communicate with her. I was proud of the little guy.

But the rest of Songbird Mama's post stated that her pediatrician advised her to stop singing to him when he's taking his bottle because it might create a bad habit. She said that her husband agreed with the doctor. I think my mouth fell open.

Read the rest of the article here.


  1. Love this! I read something similar about sleep training and why we are so eager to do it... Very interesting...

  2. Someone needed to say this. You articulated it beautifully. SO encouraged! Bless you :)

  3. Oh, I love this. I was a singing mama, regrets.

  4. My 2-year-old son not only wants me to sing him to sleep, he tells me what song he wants to hear! I love every minute of it - he has two teenage sister who are living proof that my days of rocking, cuddling, and singing to a sweet little person are numbered.

  5. This is soothe some chids.

  6. You're an amazing mom! Thank you for writing this, Em. We (and others) judge moms so harshly. Love your flexible thinking.

  7. Great post girl!!! Spot on!!

  8. As a mother of four grown children, I can absolutely say there is so much truth in your words! Sing, sweet momma. SING!!!!!!

  9. I enjoy reading your blog and agree with this post especially. I gave a little chuckle as I saw a quote posted on Linkedin this morning: "Be careful when you blindly follow the masses.Sometimes the M is silent."

  10. This is so true! I remember with my first being so concerned that I was "spoiling" him. I soon realized that you can't really spoil a baby, and now with #7 and 16 years later, it's so much fun just to enjoy each stage. I have a 10 month old and the whole family is just eating him up. And you know what--he just started sleeping through the night, and I didn't even really care that he wasn't! So much less stress this time around. People, enjoy your babies--they will be as tall as you in the blink of an eye!

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